
My name is Michael Weiss. I’m a software developer. My interests lie in creating services and apps that are some combination of useful, interesting, and fun.

Currently, I work as a a staff software developer at CareRev.

In the past I’ve worked:

In general, I like to:

I speak English (native), Japanese (JLPT N2 level), and a little Chinese.

Technologies and philosophy

I am a full stack developer who has worked with a variety of different technologies. On the front end, I’ve worked with HTML/5, CSS, Javascript (as well as frameworks like React, Angular), Objective C, Swift, and Elm. On the server, I’ve worked with a variety of languages and frameworks, namely Java (with frameworks like Spring Boot and Struts), Go, Javascript, Ruby (Rails), and Python (Django). I also have worked closely with load balancing software like HAProxy and Nginx, and have some experience working with web service providers like AWS and GCP, as well as working on private cloud services with OpenStack.

I try to be as pragmatic as I can when developing software and believe the user’s experience trumps whatever was used to implement it. However, I believe correct implementation begets a good user experience, and I am biased towards strongly typed languages and frameworks that focus on reliability and performance.